TAN TAN MINI (When you don't have enough of one thing, but everything you have can make something)

Tan Tan Mini - perfect for one of those days when you are too lazy to go to the supermarket or just plain broke.

So you have a little bit of everything, nothing by itself can make a meal - Voila! combine them in one pot and you have Tan Tan Mini. Now I did not coin the word but I was just told that that is what it is called. So please don't email me to ask me where it originated (thank you). What is your favorite Tan Tan Mini recipe? Here is a picture of mine - it consists of calalloo, okra, ackee, salt mackerel, dumpling, breadfruit, onion, garlic and tomato all cooked down in coconut milk. Yum!!! If you are going to try this cook the coconut milk first.

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